I have this VB Script that works with an SSIS package. It runs the SSIS package and inputs the dates based on the value that is returned- "W" for week or "M" for month, it then puts the start and end date of either the month or week into an access table. I did not create this but I am trying to move the whole SSIS package over to a new server that is a Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit operating system.
Below is the original Script I have tried everything to get this up and running and I am not sure what else to try.
I have tried to change the dates in SSIS but have not been able to find a way, I have tried to convert this to a VB.net file and run it, and that has not worked, I have tried altering the connection to every kind imaginableand I have looked up switching it a bat file... Any other ideas?
If I could at least populate the dates in access that would great and I could figure out what to do from there. The dates are needed first at the SSIS package uses them when it runs!
WEEKLY version
Dim varPath
varPath = "\\C:\Package.dtsx"
IsThisMonthOrWeek = "W"
'###CALL SUB###
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("%systemroot%\Syswow64\cmd.exe /C C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe/FILE """ & varPath & """ /MAXCONCURRENT "" -1 "" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EWCDI ")
SUB PopulateMonthWeek
set con = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
dbPath = "C:\dealer.mdb"
conString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbPath & ";User Id=admin;Password=;"
con.open conString
IF IsThisMonthOrWeek = "W" THEN
con.execute "update tbl_startEndDates set weekOrMonth = '" & IsThisMonthOrWeek & "', startDate = '" & getFirstDayOfMonth & "', endDate = '" & getLastDayOfMonth & "'"
con.execute "update tbl_startEndDates set weekOrMonth = '" & "W" & "', startDate = '" & Date() - WeekDay(Date())-6 & "', endDate = '" & Date() - WeekDay(Date()) & "'"
set con=nothing
FUNCTION getFirstDayOfMonth
valMonth= month(now())-1
valYear= Year(now())
if valMonth = 1 then
valMonth = 12
valYear = valYear-1
end if
getFirstDayOfMonth = valMonth & "/1/" & valYear
FUNCTION getLastDayOfMonth
valMonth= month(now())-1
valYear= Year(now())
if valMonth = 1 then
valMonth = 12
valYear = valYear-1
end if
din = valMonth & "/1/" & valYear
getLastDayOfMonth = dateserial(year(din),month(din)+1,0)