I have several reports loaded on the report server with caching options set. I have this list of reports loaded in a database table where an SSIS package iterates through that table rendering each report and sending a link to the report in an email. I was hoping just rendering report in the SSIS package would cache it and then the user clicking on the email link would be pulling it from cache. This doesn't seem to be the case.
Script Component:
rs.LoadReport(Row.reportPath, null);
ParameterValue[] paramval = new ParameterValue[2];
paramval[0] = new ParameterValue();
paramval[0].Name = "mth";
paramval[0].Value = mth.ToString();
paramval[1] = new ParameterValue();
paramval[1].Name = "yr";
paramval[1].Value = yr.ToString();
rs.SetExecutionParameters(paramval, "en-us");
format = Row.reportFormat.ToString(); //excel
results = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out encoding, out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
Link in email looks like: http://myreportserver/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fSAREQS%2frdschlrpt1&mth=7&yr=2012&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=Excel