I have a package that I have just added a new variable to. The new variable's scope is package-level, the type is string, and the initial value is empty.
Then I set the value of that variable at run-time with a script task.
When I executed the package, it gave me an error that I was trying to change the data type of a variable which is not allowed.
I ran the package in the debugger, and when I put a watch on the new variable, it reported the datatype as Int32. I look up and to the left, and in the Variables window, the type of that same variable is clearly "String".
Anybody ever had this happen? I googled, and apparently I'm the first ever as far as I can tell. I've tried giving the variable a default string value at design time, and still it changes the datatype of the variable to Int32 with a value of 0 when it runs.
Anybody else got any ideas for me?
-Tab Alleman