Hi all,
thanks for visiting my thread. I have EXEC sp_loaddata ?,? statement in my execute sql task. I am using the parameter mapping to provide the variables.
variables: datatype value
StartDate datetime 2008-09-10 19:00:00
EndDate datetime 2008-09-10 20:00:00
Paramenter Mapping: direction datatype ParameterName ParameterSize
User:tartDate Input DBTIMESTAMP 0 -1
User::EndDate Input DBTIMESTAMP 1 -1
Im using DBTIMESTAMP because i didnt find DATETIME in the drop down list. (any ideas why datetime is not included??)
when i removed the paramenter mapping and directly execute the stored procedure..it is working fine
EXEC sp_loaddata '2008-09-10 19:00:00', '2008-09-10 20:00:00'
when i include the paramenters im getting the error "Invalid time format" . possible failure reasons: problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, paramenters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly
what could be the problem?? thanks