I am using SQL server 2008. I appended date and time(yymmddhhmm) to the csv file generated by the SSIS package I created through adding variables and expression in the connection string.
However, when I tried to send the file through SFTP task, the package failed to run and return message: 'Source: SFTP Task SFTP Task Description: The File "Flat File Connection Manager" doesn't contain file path(s).'
I set the local 'flat file connection manager' in my SFTP task. It worked well in the past but started to have issue recently.
I think the issue is related to the running time of package..It only happens when it takes more than 1 min to run...as I append hour and min to the file name, I wonder is it because when the file finishes running, SFTP can't find the file attached with current time? For example, when the package starts to run , the connection manager creates a file called 201210170101(1:01am). When the SFTP task intends to send out the file, it's already 1:03am. So SFTP will try to look for a file with name 201210170103, which doesn't exist. This is just what I guess. Not sure if this is the cause and I don't know how to solve it.
Could anyone help out?
Thank you very much.