my table field is getting value from file,if * is there, then it null.
now in my script component ,
Select Case (segmentcode.ToUpper())
Case Segments.EMP.ToString.ToUpper()
Row.empno = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 1))
Row.empname = SegmentValue(arrLine, 2)
-- Row.salary_IsNull = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 3))
Row.manager = SegmentValue(arrLine, 4)
if you see here ,salary is null in file,means it has *,i need to put blank in my table.
if i run this script ,i am getting error,because of third line, Row.salary_IsNull = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 3))
how to handle this
my table field is getting value from file,if * is there, then it null.
now in my script component ,
Select Case (segmentcode.ToUpper())
Case Segments.EMP.ToString.ToUpper()
Row.empno = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 1))
Row.empname = SegmentValue(arrLine, 2)
-- Row.salary_IsNull = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 3))
Row.manager = SegmentValue(arrLine, 4)
if you see here ,salary is null in file,means it has *,i need to put blank in my table.
if i run this script ,i am getting error,because of third line, Row.salary_IsNull = Convert.ToInt32(SegmentValue(arrLine, 3))
how to handle this