I have created a db function in SQL Server that checks the data in the monthly file received against the existing data to find any duplicates and based on the result, it returns a string ( 0 or message1 or message2)
From SSIS, what i am trying to do is
If the result of this function is 0( meaning no duplicates), then do all the ETL, however if the result of this function is not 0 then send out an email with a message and abort the package from running further.
The problem that I am having is where/how i can place this logic and based on the output from this function , do other things inside the package
The outcomes are
0 or mssg1 or mssg2
Looks like i need to somehow do it in the Control Flow..Any help would be appreciated.
Looked in Conditional Split. and created two condition PASS/Fail where the data source is the function call.. the problem is ..it requires a destination whereas i need to run another data flow from there based on the result of the function.Thanks
SQL 2008R2