Hello all,
We have a clinical ER application that is used to review the necessity and validity of ER claims submitted. We need to export feeds from this application to go into another system, and for the most part the feeds work as expected. However, we have an issue at times with the pipe-delimited file having line breaks that throw off the file structure.
The database serves a VB.net front end, where users are allowed to type free-text into a field. The users sometimes add multiple separate lines by using the enter key. When the flat file gets generated, those enter keys come out on the flat file. The data in the database shows no enter symbols or newline characters.
I know we could redesign the VB.net front end to disallow the enter key, but that would take programming, testing, QAing, re-deploying, etc. We would like to strip out these enter symbols on the way out into the Flat File. I have tried searching for newline characters (char(10) or char(13)) and have found nothing. Does anyone know of any way we can strip out these newlines from the database? The notes column is VARCHAR. Thanks!
Some example data:
What the user enters:
Code submitted does not support diagnosis.
Deny PLG.
Dr. John Jones
How the field looks when queried:
Code submitted does not support diagnosis. Deny PLG. Dr. John Jones
An example of what we would see in the file:
|00001|John|Doe|Approved. Medical necessity apparent. Dr. Smith|01/01/2012|02/01/2012|
|00002|Jane|Doe|Code submitted does not support diagnosis.
Deny PLG.
Dr. John Jones|02/03/2012|02/10/2012|
|00003|Abraham|Lincoln|Approved. Medical Necessity. Dr. Jane Smith|05/01/2012|06/01/2012|