I have a package that has a config file configured and package variables. This package is executing fine in visual studio. I am trying to execute the package in Execute package utility by setting one package variable.
Please find the command line:
/FILE "C:\Documents and Settings\N023922\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\BPSLogsErrorCapture\BPSLogsErrorCapture\bin\Deployment\BPSLogstoDatabase.dtsx" /CONFIGFILE "C:\ErrorCapture\Config\BPSLogstoDatabase.dtsx.config" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EWCDI /SET "\Package.Variable[IsRequestmanager].Properties[Value]";True
Error faced:
TITLE: SSIS Execution Properties
Info: 2012-11-08 11:06:39.26
Code: 0x40016041
Source: BPSLogstoDatabase
Description: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "C:\ErrorCapture\Config\BPSLogstoDatabase.dtsx.config".
End Info
DTExec: Could not set \Package.Variable[IsRequestmanager].Properties[Value] value to True.