Good day,
I currently have a project with two OLE DB Sources, "OLE DB Source 1 = Prior Qtr" and "OLE DB Source 2 = Current Quarter."
Both sources are merged and transformed with these.
I've been manually entering the Prior Quarter and Current Quarter for every set of quarters I need to calculate.
Here is what I need help with:
I'd like to have a file where the OLE DB source goes out and picks up the Prior Quarter and Current Quarter, completes the transformation, then goes to the file and grabs the other set of Prior Quarter and Current Quarter, and so forth until the package reaches the last set of Prior Quarter and Current Quarter.
OLD DB Source - Prior Quarter SELECT [Account_Number] ,[Current_Balance] ,[Payment_Amount] ,[Processing_Date] FROM [Acct_Data] WHERE PROCESSING_DATE = '03-31-2016' and limit_code is not null OLE DB Source - Current Quarter SELECT [Account_Number] ,[Current_Balance] ,[Payment_Amount] ,[Processing_Date] FROM [Acct_Data] WHERE PROCESSING_DATE = '06-30-2016' and limit_code is not null
I'd appreciate any help/feedback.
Thank you in advance,