When deploying SSIS with project deployment mode, where is the solution compiled, would it be local machine within Visual Studio or somehow on the server? Logic would tell me it is Visual Studio but we've hit a rather odd scenario.
We made a change to one of our packages and after deploying, all (at least those trying to run before failure) of the Script Components are now failing with "Index was outside the bounds of the array". The scripts now failing weren't touched as part of the change and they are pretty simple ones (search for a character in a string, if found, change the string to a substring and return). The only identifiable change was that the server has had some new security patches added but if the package is compiled locally, would that have an impact?
I did find the following: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/860cbabb-3dda-445b-b6ea-504d9dcdbd8c/index-was-outside-the-bounds-of-the-array-error-ssis-sql-agent-job?forum=sqlintegrationservices which means it is a possibility that the server patch could have caused it but we are on SP3 so the suggested update won't actually help us.
I am 100% certain it isn't data or the script as we can run the same files through visual studio without issue. I also attempted to fire some information messages within the pre-execute, before any of our code runs and in the post-execute but these weren't written out suggesting the error is being raised before the code gets going...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance