Hi I I have one final query of the year. i have much to learn about building SSIS packages with C#.
I have a dataflow task that has a SQL command data source. linked to a Recordset destination. All works fine.
but now I need to introduce a package variable that gets used in my SQL Command to filter records. I cant fr the life of my find the correct object within the task t get at the parameters to add them.
My code is like this that creates the task but am struggling to add the parameter. I actually need to add the paramter twices as its used twice in my SQL Command:
TaskHost mainPipe = e as TaskHost;MainPipe dataFlowTask = mainPipe.InnerObject as MainPipe;
mainPipe.Name = "Get Clients";
IDTSComponentMetaData100 srcComponent = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
srcComponent.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OleDbSource";
srcComponent.ValidateExternalMetadata = true;
IDTSDesigntimeComponent100 srcDesignTimeComponent = srcComponent.Instantiate();
srcComponent.Name = "Active Clients";
srcDesignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);
srcDesignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", "SELECT [ClientCode] as ClientName, [LinkedServer] FROM [tbl_MCS_Clients] WHERE[RUN] = 1 AND ClientGroup = COALESCE(CASE ? WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE ? END, ClientGroup)");
//Where to go next to add the Paramter??
param.ParameterDirection = ParameterDirections.Input;
param.ParameterName = "Parameter0";
param.DtsVariableName = "User::LinkedServer";
param.ParameterSize = -1;
// or something like this???
srcDesignTimeComponent.SetInputProperty(0, "User:ClientGroup");