I am trying to pull data (queried off multiple tables in same database) to output to different record types - with different column structures in 1 text file using SSIS. Basically, creating segments/loops with different structure in same file. I understand how to do this using a union if the column structure is the same, but how do I handle when the column structure for each record type is different. I do not have the option to create a "space filled" column as that would invalidate my record structure. Each record type line can be repeated multiple times and needs to end with a line feed/carriage return.
For example:
01,Jim Bob, 200 South Street, Cincinnati, OH, 100000000
03,7000.00,20161231,Shores Bank,26345,5000 West St, Michigan, IL,9206020000,20160101,20161231
Each first column is the record type - different selection queries from the data - all outputting to 1 text file in order per sales rep. Jim Bob would show his record types 01 - 03, then Mary Ann would show her record types 01 - 03.
Thank you,
Erika Gossett