Hi All,
we are facing issue to load data in sql server from file like CSV and Excle file.
1.some time file columns name are change
2. Some time spelling mistake or different way to write same name lead to treat a new record in master table for example
manish , verma
manish verma
3. Some time sheet name change by customer ( by default we are try to keep name sheet1)
4. some time file extension instead of .xls it's come like ,.xlsx
5.we also need some report like how many record available in file is same record available in staging DB, ODS DBand EDW we can say data discrepancy report
7. also we need some report to give logging of execution
q-what is the best practices to load file based data in SQL Server
Q- for these requirement Can we DQS or SSIS i am new in SSIS, can any body let me know what is the best way to automated this data loading process for file coming from SFTP site.
file coming in a SFTP site in a folder, we need to run our ETL based on requirement daily, monthly basis