Hi. I'm running vs2008. I cloned a package, added two conns and then tried to add them to configs which already had a few configs in , some using a sql table of conn strings.
While the pkg was open everything was ok. The two new conns showed the familiar "I'm config'd" stripe and test connection worked. But every time I close and then reopen the pkg, the conn string in the two new conns goes blank and most of the components show the familiar little red circle.
when I edit one oledb ds in a dft with red circle in advanced editor, I see 2 error sections in the connection managers tab. The first references error code 0x80004005 and says [ODBC Driver Manager]"data source name not found and no default driver specified".
in the second section it says The AcauireConnection method call to the connection manager "my conn name" failed with error code 0xc0202009.
I remember some confusing rules from way back about adding configs after the fact but don't know if that is related. I looked at the xml code and don't see any difference in the conns and config tags (when everything is good), at least not one that would indicate they are being treated differently. The only way I've found to make things look right while the package is open in the deaigner is to delete and readd the conns. I've tried to delete and readd the configs as well but nothing seems to be helping. I cant show too much here due to proprietary issues.