I am having an issue with completion of my command-line program which calls a C# executable for the purpose of writing to an Excel file. First, it works completely if executed from command prompt
as my login. When I try to execute it from the SSIS job, it starts fine and even writes and appends to a txt log file indicating progress. The failure and lockup appears when it tries to write the Excel file to the same directory as the log file.
Thinking that it may be just a file extension issue, I changed it to write to txt at the end and that didn't work. I have tried to write to a folder located in Desktop and it still fails at the
same point. The single failure line is shown below. Originally, it wrote to c:\\GenPlan directory, failing in either case.
ExcelWorkBook.SaveAs("c:\\users\\adminsvr\\desktop\\genplan\\Planner.xls", XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, Type.Missing, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges);
I have tried xlsx as the extension and fileformat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook with no fix. The thinking was that it may be due to Excel 2010 being installed on this server and I am using Excel 2016-based
commands, but it doesn't fail when run with as my admin user from the command prompt, so that should not be a concern.
This is SQL Server 2012, by the way. Any ideas or suggestions at all?