I am developing for SSIS 2014 but will need to use package deployment instead of project deployment , no CLR enabled. I will be developing multiple one-off packages. Each packages will contain mainly data flows and execute SQL tasks. I need to:
1. Log each task name at start and end
2. Log each variable change
3. Log each failed task with the inner exception
I am trying to avoid copying these event handlers to all tasks. I understand that I can basically create one DF with attached event handlers for start/end/onError and just copy in the package creating new instances by only modify source/dest tables. Same idea for the “Execute SQL tasks”. This could be the start template.
Question: can I add event handlers only to the package level (even if I need to be able to capture 1-3 above for each control flow task?). Personally I do not see how, but please let me know.
Thank you,