Good day,
I have multiple connections: internal/external network windows paths, sql db, oracle db, as400, and linked servers on the sql server
i would like to check if certain network locations are up, if not dont continue else continue to next step of package
The package downloads files from an external location (remote external network) via a windows\\....\test\import\*.xml > moves files to the sql server C: drive > then after insert move to a internal network location
And i have oracle db that might be down but if down move on to next oracle db, i have done the propagate but i want something to check and notify and skip the specific site if oracle or if network issues stop and email
is there a way i can check connections via a script or something so that it stops and sends email as a first step to continue to next. My design:
1. A check for SQL & Local Paths & BPCS Connections (linked servers)
2. A for each Loop container (per site), i want to have 2 checks within loop , 1. to check network locations are up, 2. to check the site oracle db
Please Assist?