We have operational database A. Database B is replication subscriber of A. Our existing SSIS packages use tables on B as data source and we do full loading by using full join between current B and yesterday B snapshot and then identity insert/update/delete.
As full join compare have very bad performance. I am going to use SQL CDC to get Delta rather than full comparision.
A few questions here:
1. We have existing load already, we do not need initial loading. Can we skip initial load data flow and only mark Initial load start and End?
2. Some time replicate table needs to reinitialize and after reinitialize replicated table is dropped and create again. Due to this reason, CDC on this table is disappeared and should be re-enabled as well. How to handle CDC for this issue? What about data missing between replication reinitialize and re-enable CDC. How to setup CDC tasks in SSIS to handle this situation?
Sea Cloud