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Transaction not working!



I am trying to implement begin-commit transaction in an ssis package so that if the package fails, the transaction rolls back. However, I stumbled upon this link (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/c2216cd5-fcbb-4d07-b360-593ff44c3cf3/data-flow-tasks-deadlocking-each-other?forum=sqlintegrationservices) but after implementing it on my package, the package runs but no data gets inserted. What I am doing it:

  1. Get max date from stage
  2. Get max date from source
  3. Sequence Container: runs multiple Data Flow tasks, which each have a couple of tables that replicate date from source to (DF1, DF2 DF3 to ) stage and (DF4, DF5, DF6 to) dest databases. 
  4. The "insert" DF task has to be inserted after all the DF task in the Sequence Container are done. 
  5. The "insert date to stage" gets date from source to stage so that when the package runs again, it has a new max date to start from.
  6. After all successfully complete, I want the transactions to be committed but nothing happens when I execute the package. It is successful but no data gets inserted. 

However, the package runs successfully without the begin/commit transactions.

The DF Tasks have a couple of OLE DB Sources & Destinations to copy data:

Any advice/comment where I am doing it wrong? 



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