I am trying to implement begin-commit transaction in an ssis package so that if the package fails, the transaction rolls back. However, I stumbled upon this link (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/c2216cd5-fcbb-4d07-b360-593ff44c3cf3/data-flow-tasks-deadlocking-each-other?forum=sqlintegrationservices) but after implementing it on my package, the package runs but no data gets inserted. What I am doing it:
- Get max date from stage
- Get max date from source
- Sequence Container: runs multiple Data Flow tasks, which each have a couple of tables that replicate date from source to (DF1, DF2 DF3 to ) stage and (DF4, DF5, DF6 to) dest databases.
- The "insert" DF task has to be inserted after all the DF task in the Sequence Container are done.
- The "insert date to stage" gets date from source to stage so that when the package runs again, it has a new max date to start from.
- After all successfully complete, I want the transactions to be committed but nothing happens when I execute the package. It is successful but no data gets inserted.
However, the package runs successfully without the begin/commit transactions.
The DF Tasks have a couple of OLE DB Sources & Destinations to copy data:
Any advice/comment where I am doing it wrong?