I am trying to move data from a SQL server to move data from sql server to sql server. The source table contains varchar(max) and the destination table is define with a varchar(max). In SSIS I can see the source column of the data flow define as a DT_TEXT (normal for SSIS), and the destination column when mapis also a DT_TEXT. When I run the package, it failed with the following error:
[OLE_DST - RunTicket (BULK LOAD) [25]] Error: An error occurred while setting up a binding for the "<g class="gr_ gr_396 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" data-gr-id="396" id="396">templateId</g>"
column. The binding status was "DT_TEXT".
[OLE_DST - RunTicket (BULK LOAD) [25]] Error: An error occurred while setting up a binding for the "<g class="gr_ gr_408 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" data-gr-id="408" id="408">equipmentId</g>"
column. The binding status was "DT_TEXT". The data flow column type is "DBBINDSTATUS_UNSUPPORTEDCONVERSION". The conversion from the OLE DB type of "DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN" to the destination column type of "DBTYPE_VARCHAR"
might not be supported by this provider.
Any ideas?