Hi guys,
After transferring tables from one server to another, I want to validate that the tables exists on the destination server and have records in it. I don't have any problems validating that the tables are there. However, I tried everything to validate if the tables have records in it, or event the size of it will do, both I can't get it working.
Here is my script:
public void Main() { dttables = (Dts.Variables["myDataTables"].Value as DataTable).Copy(); ValidateTransferredTableExistance(dttables); Dts.Variables["BadCount"].Value = badcount; Dts.Variables["EmailMessage"].Value = message; Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success; } public void ValidateTransferredTableExistance(DataTable dt) { // Opens a connection to the database Server DestinationSrv = new Server(DestinationServer); Database db = DestinationSrv.Databases[DestinationDB]; Boolean tableExists = false; Boolean rowsExists = true; message = "We may have encountered problems with the transfer of the table(s) listed below." + Environment.NewLine ; message += "Please investigate." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; // Validate that all tables got transferred foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string sqlTable = row["transferSchema"].ToString() + '.' + row["transferobject"].ToString(); tableExists = db.Tables.Contains(row["transferobject"].ToString(), row["transferSchema"].ToString()); if (tableExists == true) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); table = db.Tables[sqlTable]; rowsExists = (table.Rows.Count == 0) if (rowsExists == true) { message += "- " + table + " is empty." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; badcount++; } } if (tableExists == false) { message += "- " + sqlTable + " has not been transferred. Please validate that the table exists on the source server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; badcount++; } } }
Do I have to fill the table variable using OLEDB Adapter? I don't want to do that, because some of them have over 1 million records. So can I somehow get the size/data space used for them?
Thanks a lot in advance for you help :-)