Here's the rub:
I have been deploying the package to the msdb database and running it from there with no problems
Coming to deploy it to Production the DBA wants to deploy it via the file system
No big problem thought I.
Changed the Master Package to have a Config file holding the path to the Packages folder.
Tacked on the Package names in connection managers (via expression) and in BIDS it all works fine.
Deploy to the server and it all falls apart
The first child package runs OK but the next package fails because the logging system is encountering a Primary Key fail doing an Insert.
As you can guess the logging System goes out to the logging tables and grabs the next ID to start it's logging as a Pre Execute event.
It's as though 2 packages are trying to start at the same time which is definitely not how it is setup.
To summarise:
Whole things run fine deployed to SQL Server
Change Master Package so the children packages are picked up from the file system not SQL and it falls over.
I am not expecting anyone to troubleshoot this for me, just wondering if I have missed something obvious deploying it to the file system.
I will freely admit this is my first deployment to the File System as opposed to SQL but it does not seem to be that complicated :-)
Many thanks.