I've started looking at unit testing SSIS and was trying SSISUnit.
Not sure if I am being thick, but how do I get the task to use the connections set up in the test file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><TestSuite xmlns="http://tempuri.org/SsisUnit.xsd"><ConnectionList><Connection name="Destination" connection="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=SandBox;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" connectionType="ConnectionString"/> </ConnectionList><PackageList><Package name="DimTranType" packagePath="C:\prj\IntegrafinBI\SSIS\IntegrafinDW\ConformedDimensions\DimTranType.dtsx" storageType="FileSystem"/> </PackageList><TestSuiteSetup></TestSuiteSetup><Setup></Setup><Tests><Test name="Load Tran Type" package="DimTranType" task="\Package\Add DW Custom Reversals"><TestSetup><SqlCommand connectionRef="Destination" returnsValue="false"> IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[DimTranType]') AND type in (N'U')) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimTranType]( [TranTypeKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [trantype] [char](4) NOT NULL, [SubTranDescription] [varchar](60) NOT NULL, [TranGroup] [char](12) NOT NULL, [SubTranType] [char](5) NOT NULL, [TranDescription] [varchar](60) NULL, [InsertAuditKey] [int] NOT NULL, [UpdateAuditKey] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_SubTranType] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SubTranType] ASC ) ) </SqlCommand></TestSetup><Assert name="Verify Table Count" expectedResult="71" testBefore="false"><VariableCommand operation="Get" name="tableCount" value=""/></Assert></Test> </Tests><Teardown></Teardown><TestSuiteTeardown></TestSuiteTeardown></TestSuite>
If I try to run this, it errors saying it cant find the connections set up in the package instead of using the test connection.
What should I be setting to override the connections so I can fake the source and destination connections?