I have source data i.e. is present in SQL like below
Product Code | Item ID | Item Description | Customer Name | Month of Order | Qty Ordered |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | Jan-01-2018 | 20 |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | Feb-01-2018 | 24 |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | Mar-01-2018 | 44 |
Expected output is when I run at Feb month,this output required in excel
Product Code | Item ID | Item Description | Customer Name | Jan-18 |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | 20 |
Expected output is when I run at Mar month
Product Code | Item ID | Item Description | Customer Name | Jan-18 | Feb |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | 20 | 24 |
Expected output is when I run at Apr month
Product Code | Item ID | Item Description | Customer Name | Jan-18 | Feb | Mar |
101 | 25 | Food Items | Hana | 20 | 24 | 44 |
I need to generate columns dynamically Jan-18,Feb-18,etc.
Like that need to get output in Excel from SQL like above.
Could you please any one help me for this scenario.I hope any one person will help?
Niranjan B