I have built a Master package
Master Package has 2 Execute SQL task and Sequence Container1 then Execute SQL then another Sequence Container2 and lastly 1 more execute SQL task.
SQL task are to update a table with start and end time and few flag
Sequence Container 1 is to load Source files to Stagging tables ( first truncate and then load in all packages in Sequence Container )
Sequence Container 2 is for loading Stage table data to target tables (coontains almost 10 package executing in Serial)
I have enabled Transaction = required in Sequence Container 2 as I want to roll back in case package fails.
I am facing a issue in one of the package of Sequence Container 2 it always puts a lock and package never runs.
This package has a OlEDB Source then fuzzy Lookup and Lookups , Kindly suggest if someone has faced the same error