I develop SSIS package for SQL 2016 SP1 and using theSSIS CDC tools (CDC Control Task, CDC Source, CDC Splitter) from VS 2015. I was under the impression that these tools are generic VS tools , but running program in debug mode, I noticed that they are part of the Attunity namespace (when looking in component/task properties in VS ex:Attunity.SqlServer.CDCControlTask.CdcControlTask). Source server runs 2016 SP1standard edition and has CDC enabled source database and destination server has ETL and SQL 2016 SP1 standand edition instances and therefore the Attunity tools for Integration Services on the destination ETL/DB server look like are not supported (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/integration-services/integration-services-features-supported-by-the-editions-of-sql-server?view=sql-server-2016#ISAT) since not running enterprise
My question is related to the Integration services not the database server, I know that database server supporting CDC starting with 2016 SP1.
Are there no CDC Control Task, CDC Source, CDC Splitter tasks in VS 2015 which are supported by the 2016 SP1 Integration Services, all these 3 are Attunity tasks actually under VS 2015? or if there are VS tools that are not Attunity what is the recommended tools to use for CDC enabled database on Integration services 2016 SP1 standard edition? CDC functions?
I very much appreciate your input.
I submitted previously another question inhttps://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/70d527f3-a179-4296-a699-c19cd4774edf/are-ssis-cdc-tools-supported-in-ssis-2016-sp1-standard-edition?forum=sqlsetupandupgrade#5f4898f7-d46c-4888-b4fb-d0fe00115cd6
Thank you,