I have good experience in SSIS, but nil as far as Script Task and Script Component are concerned.
I have a situation in which I am loading many .csv files into a SQL Server destination table. I am using a For Each Loop Container.
I am loading these files, capturing the File Name, Row Count, and other information needed into various SSIS user variables.
I load some of these variables into an Audit Tracker table using the Derived Column Transformation in the Data Flow.
Upto this point, everything is fine.
Now our client wants to capture the FileCreationDate (i.e.Date Modified) andFileSize of each of these .csv files.
Obviously I need help, because this cannot be done with some scripting.
In the Control Flow, inside the ForEachLoop Container, I have added a ScriptTask immediately after the Data Flow Task.
I have the following three user variables in the package:
1) Filename (string variable for each.csv files;this is fine, no issue)
2) FileCreatedDateTime (variable to capture the creation date of each .csv file; please let me know whether DateTime datatype will be okay)
3) FileSize (variable to capture the size of each .csv file; let me know whether string will be okay)
Now, can anyone let me know the following settings inside the Script Task Editor ?
Script Tab :
Language as Microsoft Visual C# 2017 (disabled)
Entry Point: Main (Is this correct?)
ReadOnlyVariables: (What should I set ?)
ReadWriteVariables: (What should I set ?)
Expressions Tab:
What expressions should I set ?
Edit Script:
What code should I type ? I referred to these two websites, but not able to get the right code
Can someone please give me the clear code ?