Hi I have one doubt in ssis.
source : postgres
Table : emp
Records have 100 cores(1 billion) records
Target : sqlservefr
table: emp
Here I want extract data postgres to sql server using ssis package
Here I create dsn for connecte pstgres server using postresodbc driver.
ssis package side adonetsource transaformation
I given query : select * from emp in adonetsource transformation
then changed datatype accourding to desination sql server emp table
then drag and drop oledbdestination/adonetdestinaiton and configure to sql server emp table
after that I run package .here only 1 lakh records only loaded in sql server table.
package is succeeded with any error.Here source query (adonetsource)I have not used any where /limit condition
why we were loading only 1 lakh records.
in emp table have around 300 columns and taking validation more time in ssis package side.
if we want load fulll 1 billion ,what apporach need to follow using ssis package side. can you plase
tell me best we need to load(daily) using ssis package.
source : postgres
Table : emp
Records have 100 cores(1 billion) records
Target : sqlservefr
table: emp
Here I want extract data postgres to sql server using ssis package
Here I create dsn for connecte pstgres server using postresodbc driver.
ssis package side adonetsource transaformation
I given query : select * from emp in adonetsource transformation
then changed datatype accourding to desination sql server emp table
then drag and drop oledbdestination/adonetdestinaiton and configure to sql server emp table
after that I run package .here only 1 lakh records only loaded in sql server table.
package is succeeded with any error.Here source query (adonetsource)I have not used any where /limit condition
why we were loading only 1 lakh records.
in emp table have around 300 columns and taking validation more time in ssis package side.
if we want load fulll 1 billion ,what apporach need to follow using ssis package side. can you plase
tell me best we need to load(daily) using ssis package.