Hi All,
My Scenarios is as follows...
I have 2 tables in Sql server and i need to load those tables data to single .dat file. Please may i know how to achieve this..
Sql Server tables are
Eg:- Table 1
AA|BB|CC|DD ---- columns
1|2|3|4 ---Data
Table 2
EE|RR|TT ----columns
a|3|5 ---Data
In .dat file data showed be in this form
Schemaname|TableName|AA|BB|CC|DD ---This is from first table
dbo|Table 1|1|2|3|4
SchemaName|TableName|EE|RR|TT --This is from ssecond table
dbo|Table 2|a|3|5
Note:- The second table data should be appended to the same file as shown above.
Thanks in advance..