I am converting a sql 2005 server to 2008. I have an old active x script which i need to convert to a script task for ssis...
I am not familar with VB/C# scripting so I do not know how to convert this for use in 2008.
When Run i receive this error " An error occurred while adding the managed SSIS type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed". I believe we want to avoid invoking the legacy functionality so converting the scripts at this point would be better.
'********************************************************************** ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script '********************************************************************** Function Main() Dim strTo Dim strCC Dim strSubject Dim strBody 'Construct the subject and body and set the attachment path strSubject = "Validation #" + CStr(DTSGlobalVariables("VAL_ID").Value) + " (" + CStr(DTSGlobalVariables("ErrorCount").Value) + "): " + DTSGlobalVariables("VAL_NAME") strBody = "Description:<br />" + vbCRLF + Replace(DTSGlobalVariables("VAL_DSCR").Value, "''", "'") + vbCRLF + vbCRLF + "<br /><br />Suggestions:<br />" + vbCRLF + Replace(DTSGlobalVariables("VAL_WEB_NOTES").Value, "''", "'") strAttachmentPath = DTSGlobalVariables("FileAttachmentPath").Value 'Construct the address lists depending on if there were errors If DTSGlobalVariables("ErrorCount").Value = 0 Then strTo = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailAddyNoErrorsTo").Value strCC = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailAddyNoErrorsCC").Value Else strTo = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailAddyErrorsTo").Value strCC = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailAddyErrorsCC").Value End If 'If there's someone to send an email to, do so. If Len(strTo) > 0 Then Call SendSMTPEmail(strTo, strCC, strSubject, strBody, strAttachmentPath) End If Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success End Function '*********************************************************************************************************************************************************** 'This function sends the email '*********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Function SendSMTPEmail(ToAddresses, CCAddresses, SubjectText, BodyText, AttachmentPath) Dim iMsg Dim iConf Dim Flds Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2 Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set Flds = iConf.Fields With Flds .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.mail.com" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 10 .Update End With With iMsg Set .Configuration = iConf .To = ToAddresses .CC = CCAddresses .From = "OPSValidator@somewhere.com" .Subject = SubjectText ' .TextBody = BodyText .HTMLBody = BodyText .AddAttachment (AttachmentPath) .Send End With Set iMsg = Nothing Set iConf = Nothing Set Flds = Nothing End Function