I have an SSIS process that uses an Execute Process Task to convert an ASCII file to EBCDIC. This piece works just fine. If there are any errors during the conversion process, an ebcdic.err log file is created. I am using a WMI Event Watcher Task to check
for this file; if the file exists, the task should fail but if the file is not present then the task should be successful and move on to the next step. At the moment, the task reports success whether the file is present or not. This is the only piece of the
package holding me up and I need some help.
Here is how I've configured the WMI Connection Manager Editor
Description: Watch for ebcdic.err file
Server name: \\DWPROD
Namespace: \root\cimv2
Use Windows Authentication is checked and the connection tests successfully.
Here is how I've configured the WMI Event Watcher Task
Under General... Nothing has been changed.
Under WMI Options...
WQLConnection is set to "DWPROD"
WQLQuerySourceType is set to "Direct input"
WQLQuerySource is set to:
SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "CIM_DirectoryContainsFile" AND TargetInstance.PartComponent = "CIM_DataFile.Name=\"C:\\\\vedit\\\\ebcdic.err\""
ActionAtEvent is set to "Log the event and fire the SSIS event".
AfterEvent is set to "Return with failure".
ActionAtTimeout is set to "Log the timeout and fire the SSIS event".
AfterTimeout is set to "Return with success".
NumberOfEvents is set to "1".
Timeout is set to "10".
Under Expressions... Nothing has been changed.
I suspect that the issue is with the WQLQuerySource, but every other syntax I have tried either throws an "Unparsable query" exception or a "Class is not an event class" error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,