I have a SQL 2008 R2 application database, which also integrates SQL queries with MS Index Server via a linked server. The MS Index Server currently indexes c. 1,000,000 files.
I need to move the application to Windows Server 2012, however this does not support MS Index Server. What can I do?
1) Do I have to also install MS Search Server? (any limitations)
2) If so, then do I simply use linked server provider "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Search"?
3) If so, then how do I configure it?
There is very little recent information about this anywhere on the net. I was forced to try to use this driver previously after upgrading to Windows Server 2008/SQL Server 2008, but it didn't work, and as far as I can see nobody got it to work and nobody had any response from MS. Fortunately, eventually somebody realised that many of us depend on some sort of file search server and SQL Server integration and simply re-enabled Index Server in Windows Server 2008. With any luck the same thing will happen in Windows Server 2012 (what's your problem with Index Server?). But, in the meantime it would be useful if somebody can tell us how to keep our applications alive?