I need to export data from my MS SQL server to a CSV file. So I went through the normal steps as I've done many times before. However, this time, I noticed that several of my fields only display the first character. I looked at it more closely & these are the static fields which are as simple as the one below!
,'Default Category' AS '_root_category'
I figured that it must be the configuration of the flat file when it was created, so I deleted all of the contents within the file. I went to SSIS, deleted & recreated the flat file connection manager & made sure that every column had Unicode string [DT_WSTR], with a length of 4000. I ran it again & AGAIN, it only displays the first character!
It really is a very basic query & the most complicated part is a REPLACE() function, but the results of that function come out exactly as expected! :( Does anyone know what I should do next?
If it's of any value, this is the full SQL Query
SELECT [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ID] AS 'sku' ,'Default' AS '_attribute_set' ,'simple' AS '_type' ,'Default Category' AS '_root_category' ,'base' AS '_product_websites' ,[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[WholeSalePrice] AS 'cost' ,CASE WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription]) < 10 AND DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LongDescription]) < 10) THEN REPLACE([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ProductName], '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])<=100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LONGDESCRIPTION])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])>100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') END AS 'description' ,'1' AS 'enable_googlecheckout' ,'0' AS 'has_options' ,'' AS 'image' ,CASE WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription]) < 10 AND DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LongDescription]) < 10) THEN REPLACE([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ProductName], '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])<=100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LONGDESCRIPTION])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])>100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') END AS 'meta_description' ,'' AS 'meta_keyword' ,[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ProductName] AS 'meta_title' ,'Use config' AS 'msrp_display_actual_price_type' ,'Use config' AS 'msrp_enabled' ,[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ProductName] AS 'name' ,'Block after Info Column' AS 'options_container' ,'' AS 'price' ,'0' AS 'required_options' ,CASE WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription]) < 10 AND DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LongDescription]) < 10) THEN REPLACE([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ProductName], '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])<=100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[LONGDESCRIPTION])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') WHEN (DATALENGTH([SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])>100) THEN REPLACE( REPLACE( (CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ShortDescription])), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '') , '"', '""') END AS 'short_description' ,'' AS 'small_image' ,'1' AS 'status' ,'2' AS 'tax_class_id' ,'' AS 'thumbnail' ,'4' AS 'visibility' -- ,SC.dbo.bvc_Product.Weight ,STR((([sc].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[weight]*0.45359237)*1000), 6, 0) AS 'weight' ,[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[InventoryAvailableQty] AS 'qty' ,'0' AS 'min_qty' ,'1' AS 'use_config_min_qty' ,'0' AS 'is_qty_decimal' ,'0' AS 'backorders' ,'1' AS 'use_config_backorders' ,'1' AS 'min_sale_qty' ,'1' AS 'use_config_min_sale_qty' ,'0' AS 'max_sale_qty' ,'1' AS 'use_config_max_sale_qty' ,'1' AS 'use_config_notify_stock_qty' ,'0' AS 'manage_stock' ,'1' AS 'use_config_manage_stock' ,'0' AS 'stock_status_changed_auto' ,'1' AS 'use_config_qty_increments' ,'0' AS 'qty_increments' ,'1' AS 'use_config_enable_qty_inc' ,'0' AS 'enable_qty_increments' ,'0' AS 'is_decimal_divided' ,[SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product_Properties_Amazon].[UPC] AS 'upc' FROM [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product] LEFT OUTER JOIN [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Manufacturer] ON [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ManufacturerID] = [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Manufacturer].[ID] LEFT OUTER JOIN [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product_Properties_Amazon] ON [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].[ID] = [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product_Properties_Amazon].[ProductID] WHERE [SC].[dbo].[bvc_Product].CompanyID='140' AND InventoryAvailableQty > 0