Hi All,
I am trying to export a portion of SQL Server table to a text file using OLE DB Source and Flat File Destination, but the Birthdate column (data type = date) is showing the time info like '1966-04-08 00:00:00'. How can I have it show only '1966-04-08' instead?
Addition notes:
I am using Version 2008 and here is my SQL Command text:
Select top 20 FirstName,LastName, BirthDate, Gender
FROM DimCustomer.
On the Flat File Connection, I tried to use different data type configurations (under Advanced) such as [DT_DATE] and [DT_DBDATE], but that did not help.
Do I use some type of Convert() or change the configuration in Flat File Connection or both and how can I do it?
BI Analyst