I have two tables, one a master and a second a child.
They are linked by a uniqueidentifier. field name LedgerKey
I am using an executeSQL task to select all the unidentifiers from the master table into a variable object called Transets
The foreach loop I have set the Enumerator as FOREACH FROM Variable Enumerator and the variable TRANSET
The variable mapping is set to user::Ledgerkey Index 0 the variable is set as an object.
Inside the foereach loop I have an execute SQL Task that
INSERT INTO Client_Arc.dbo.Transaction SELECT * FROM MT1.dbo.Transaction WHERE LedgerKey = cAST(@LedgerKey as uniqueidentifier)
Under TSQL this query works but in SSIS it fails
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "INSERT INTO Client_Arc.dbo.Transaction SELE..." failed with the following error: "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
any clues ?
Dont ask me .. i dont know