I have a package saved on a file system and I want to import it into msdb. RIght now I have very little previlege on the SQL Server. The server role is public and on msdb I have public and db_ssisoperator roles.
When I try to import the packge while logged into SSIS on Management Studio, I get this error message.
TITLE: Import Package
Access to Integration Services package 'MD_BBG_Daily_Basket_AYI' is denied. (Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0)
Doing some research online, it seems there are a bunch of other SSIS related roles in msdb, like
db_ssisadmin, db_ssisoperator, db_ssisltduserbut I am NOT able to see these roles. Do I need one of these roles to be able to import packages into msdb and if so how do I get these roles granted to me.