Hi all,
I am using oledb source and oledb destination inside dataflow task but each time run the project it returns different number of rows . sometimes 219 rows sometime 90 rows etc..
I am using the below query it works fine when I run on the sql server.
SELECT Orders.OrderDate, Customers.PostalCode, Orders.EmployeeID, Products.ProductID, Orders.ShipVia AS shipperid,
SUM([Order Details].Quantity * [Order Details].UnitPrice) AS [Total amount], SUM([Order Details].Quantity * [Order Details].UnitPrice * [Order Details].Discount)
AS Discount, SUM([Order Details].Quantity) AS [Unit Sales], NorthwindDW.dbo.DimTime.TimeKey
dbo.[Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID INNER JOIN
dbo.Customers ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID INNER JOIN
dbo.Products ON [Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID INNER JOIN
NorthwindDW.dbo.DimTime ON Orders.OrderDate = NorthwindDW.dbo.DimTime.OrderDate
GROUP BY Orders.OrderDate, Customers.PostalCode, Products.ProductID, Orders.EmployeeID, Orders.ShipVia, NorthwindDW.dbo.DimTime.TimeKey