Hello Everyone,
I am new to ssis, I am working on a task to import data from a XML file,the content in my file is as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testrun name="Addevent (1)" project="Cal_AddEvent" tests="1" started="1" failures="0" errors="0" ignored="0">
<testsuite name="com.example.tests.Addevent" time="58.189">
<testcase name="testTC09CalendarAddEvent" classname="com.example.tests.Addevent" time="58.189"/>
when I use SSIS to import data I am getting two outputs as "testcase" and "testsuite" which has the columns
name classname time testsuiteid
but i need the columns for.............name projecttestsfailureserrorsignored
Please help me here how to achieve this goal