We are using the CDC for ETLs. so we are taking the changed data and Moving. Here is an example.
so here is my SQLCommand.
SELECT cast(sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn) as date) as [start_date], cast(sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$end_lsn) as date) as [end_date], customer_id, client_id, social_id, provider_id, lead_id, type_gender_code, type_customer_code, type_transaction_code, lead_type_code, first_name, prefix_name, middle_name, last_name, suffix_name, birth_date , address1, address2, city, state, distance_from_dealer FROM cdc.customer_customer_CT where ( cast(sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn) as date) >= ? and cast(sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn) as date) <= ? ) and ( CONVERT(time,sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn)) >= ? and CONVERT(time,sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn)) <= ? ) and __$operation in (2,4)
so based on Date and Time we are moving the data.
everything works fine if i Do not add the where condition to it. If I add where condition to it. Its showing that invalid character value to cast.
how to cast the date and time in where condition of SQL command in SSIS.