would like to invoke a DTS with parms and have it run dos shell command
would be submitted from an IIS website .asp page and page waits for a completion
can the DTS be invoked directly or does it need to invoked from a SQL job?
of course if submitted from a SQL job the parms submitted to the job would need to be passed through to the DTS
to be clear, below is typical vb code to submit a shell command, need to be able to do this either directly in DTS or perhaps have DTS run a program or VBS that actually submits the shell command and as before then the DTS would need to pass parms passed to it, pass them to the VBS or vb program
Set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & strZipExe & " -add -pass=" & pswd & " -move " _
& strZipFile & " " & FileDir & "\*"
Returncd = objShell.Run(strCommand, 1, True)