Hi Friends,
I have Requirement is Collect the data from 4000 xml files &load the data into 64 tables and for relationship to all 64 tables i want to add one primary column
so that primary key column i can collect from one table that existed in 64 tables so for that i took for each file enumarator. in foreach loop i took dataflowtask from dataflowtask(using rowset destination) i will get primarycolumn into varaible(primary column is productid from product table i.e for every file upto 4000 files). so now i need to pass that object varaible in foreachloop ado enumarator &then get the each record into user:Productid variable.
please help out me where my for each file ado enumarator can keep inside for each loop or out side foreach loop if i was keep in inside i am getting error if out side also i am getting error please help out me from this issue.