I'm trying to add a MySQL .Net connector to my SSIS Package. The version of this MySQL Connector is the latest 6.6.5
I can add the connector and click Test Connection button and it works, then I save it.
After that I try to Open it again and the following error pops up:
Could not get provider invariant name from the connection type qualifier "MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d". You may need to manually edit the 'Qualifier' property of the connection manager if the default one selected is different from what you want. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Could not create a DbProviderFactory class for the provider invariant name 'IBM.Data.DB2'. Verify that this provider is installed correctly on this computer. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
There is NO IBM at all, other than it's one of the selections in the drivers list. So I don't know why it's referencing IBM Drivers.
There is no other MySQL version on this machine. I checked the GAC and only this version of MYSQl DLL's exist there.
Or, is this error saying that the MySQL Db server needs to have this same version provider installed?