Sorry if this has been answered, but I have searched everywhere:
I'm going SQL Server to Oracle and have to deal with the good ol' Oracle Sequence plus another value I have to lookup in Oracle using a value from a SQL Server column.
I could find no way to do this with a DataFlow task, so I'm trying Execute SQL with a ForEach container, using variable mappings from a full rowset and building my Oracle insert with an expression. However, the strict typing is killing me due to null varchars in the source data. Object variables are useless since I can't use them in expressions.
Performance is not an issue since the job will be running almost as a service and won't process more than a few rows at a time. If there's another method besides ExecuteSQL/ForEach, I'm open (I sure haven't found anything, though.)
I can only think of a not-so-elegant solution: convert the nulls to empty strings in my source query and back to nulls on insert.