For moving the data from Hive table in MS Hadoop to SQL Server I was trying to use SSIS but I am not able to move the data. I found a blog for this scenario and followed each step exactly same but I am getting the error (shown below) “error [hy000] query returned non-zero code: failed Parse error line1:14 cannot recognize input near” in the SSIS ADO.NET source editor. Also it is showing a RED CROSS in both the source and destination field.
Link to the Blog:-
While searching for resolving this error someone said – Metadata error, or string size, or svc_rate_lnk_code, etc.
Please help me in connecting to the source and destination. Does it require any other configuration/ setting to be done before proceeding ahead? Currently I am trying to export the data from a HIVE table to SQL Server. Is there any other source/reference from where I can learn these steps in detail (I mean all the settings and configuration required for this scenario.)