I have "Healthcare" and "Retail" databases. I managed to find a sample retail database from Microsoft downloads. I created my own very simple database for healthcare using SQL Server 2012. My final goal is to create an ETL using SSIS for these domains
Since this is the first time i am even hearing the word ETL in my life i am totally unsure how to do it. I tried those technet tutorials to create simple ETL packages and succeeded but i do not understand the steps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My hospital database contains the following tables:
patient, doctor, nurse, bed, theatre, surgery, patient record(fact table) and surgery record(fact table)
I am trying to implement the below structure.
retail + healthcare databases---->1st ETL (combined single database)----->Database staging---->2nd ETL (actual transformations)---->Data warehouse (star schema)
I have already combined (copied) the tables from both databases into a single one (first ETL). I am not sure how to continue with the 2nd ETL. I am sorry if its too long or general for a forum question but i desperately need help with this. Please let me know if further clarifications are needed.