Following on from last question asking how to create dynamically named excel sheet: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlintegrationservices/thread/e98f2a71-e41a-4acb-ad80-6e548599abcb
I now want to ask how I can populate this sheet from a SQL table with same columns as excel sheet? So far I have a data flow task after my script and sql task using my SQL DB as source and excel as my destination. However my actual settings for my excel connection manager are to an existing workbook sheet, and my dynamic create table in excel using script and sql task creates a new file with dynamic name created in script task using previous month appended to the end of the name of the existing excel connection manager file name.
So if my connection is to myExcelFile.xls then after running script task I have:
myExcelFileMar.xls with data tab called March in it, which has the table structure I created in a SQL task using a variable.
So how do I accomplish this:
in my newly created excel workbook with new meta-data structure: In a data flow task connect from my source SQL DB to the excel destination, the destination being my dynamically created new workbook,and extract the data from the SQL Server table into the newly created excel table?
I can do this with hard-coded connection no problem but the dynamic bit confuses me because I do not know how the mapping from SQL > Excel can be maintained or created dynamically and maintained at run time.
Thanks for input.
Andrew (MCDST)