I am running a vendors SP. They put in 4 parameters. I have those set up as user variables. Now i am trying to run the SP with those variables as parameters and I want to put the results into a table in my database.
The first thing I tried was Data flow task. I tried using EXEC myspname ?,?,?,? and setting the parameters. When I try to preview I get No value given for one or more required parameters. So I read you could set a variable with the execute command and then do a sql command from variable. If I use that I get results back. But no columns so now I can't use a Destination.
The next thing I tried was running a Execute SQL Task with a Full result set and sticking that in a variable. I think that worked but how do I get the results inserted into a table?
This doesn't seem like it should be that complicated, but I am stumped right now.