I am trying to load a UTF-8 flat - fixed width or ragged right file to SQL 2005 table using SSIS 2005. Below are the settings done:
- Table defined with Nvarchar column
- Flat file connection in SSIS - chose code page as "UTF-8 65001 ' and ragged right format.
- The column in Flat file connection is also declared as "Unicode String DWSTR " . The column width is specified to match the fixed width file format layout.
However , in preview for a sample file with Accent " È " the columns get shifted by 1 character . Are the accents getting shifted as its being considered as 2 bytes? How can a UTF-8 text file (fixed width) with accents or special charcters be read using SSIS 2005
As an workaround , we are converting the UTF-8 file to "Unicode" (save as text file option) and changed the Flat file connection manager to "Unicde" ( check box on connection manager) . Then we changed all applicable columns to "NText" in flat file manager.
Is there any way the UTF-8 fixed width file can be directly used in SSIS 2005 flat file connection manager without messing up the accents.